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Remove the Ouch Factor! 

     Don't let your child's hair turn your mornings upside down. Your child’s hair does not have to be straight to be manageable. The key is to use techniques and products that make the hair-care experience easier. It’s a learning process and if you don’t know, learn the techniques. Another reason not to rush to relax? Your child’s true hair texture may not reveal itself until she is eight or nine years old.
     Children also have more sensitive skin than adults.  The chemicals in the perms are more likely to damage their skin and hair.  Think about what relaxers do to your hair. The fact that a relaxer has to be applied with gloves? That doesn't pass the laugh test. What does this tell us? As you make the decision about your child’s hair, consider the fact that the ph level of your relaxer is equivalent to the toxic substance Drano.
   Yes, there will be some work involved but think of the message you will send by relaxing your child’s hair. Don’t fool yourself into thinking this excludes texturizers. They are relaxers too! All natural is all good!

Styling Options that will help you and your little one get out the door on time!

- Loose braids, cornrows or a mixture of braids and the hair out
- Flat Twists
- Two Strand Twists for 3 days, then unravel them and wear it out for the next 2 days!
- An Afro-puff created with a 3/4 or full headband

Styling Tips:

- Use fingers first to get through tangles.
- Ouch! If you use  a comb, use a wide tooth comb or pick to help eliminate the pain. The wider the better.
- Part or section the hair into quarters to make it easier to detangle.
- Use a detangler and/or moisturizer to make the hair easier to comb.
- Use clips and non-rubber hair bands to help keep the sections separated as you style.
- Apply any leave in cream when it is wet, not dry.
- Be gentle. Kinky, curly & coily hair looks tough but is very fragile.
- Gently towel-dry the excess water in the hair by blotting. The more random the hair motions the more tangles!

Do not :

- Create extra tight styles that pull around the edges
- Use Metal accessories
- Add loose weave extensions before age 9 as the head will be fully formed then. (Can you imagine that we saw a 9 month old with extensions?)

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