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From the Editor-In-Chief

Welcome JOURNEY®! A national, natural hair magazine that keeps women informed and entertained, providing information about noteworthy natural hair related topics. 

As a lifestyle magazine, we are excited to bring readers amazing, in-depth stories and the latest information available in the fields of natural hair health, products, arts, culture and more. The magazine also features interviews with those in leading positions within the hair industry, along with high-profile people whose own journeys celebrate the concept of the magazine. 


Over the years, I have been up close and personal with women who live in constant possibility about her hair, health and a fabulous lifestyle. This magazine supports that woman and the notion that natural hair is more than a trend, it is a movement, a style choice and for many a health choice. This magazine is a celebration!

So throw your hands in the air and raise 'em like you just don't care because it's a party over natural hair and this magazine will help you rise to the highest of expectations and feel good about yourself and what God gave you! Hurricane Sandy may have slowed the magazine down a bit, but the it will be hitting stands in the Spring!

Looking forward to the JOURNEY®!

Candace Kelley, J.D., M.S.


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