Black Hair & Tangled Politics
Candace O. Kelley, J.D., M.S. kelleyc@rowan.edu & Black Hair & Tangled Politics

Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America Paperback by Ayana Byrd, Lori Tharps
The Politics of Black Women's Hair Paperback, Althea Prince
During each session students will engage in thoughtful discussions based upon readings.
Attendance & Homework 20%
Quizzes: 30%
Annotated Bibliography 10%
Current Event Presentation 20%
Social Influence Media Presentation 20%
Below you will find the assignments that must be completed in order to earn a passing grade in addition to weight of each assignment.
Homework (10%)
Throughout the semester, you’ll be given several assignments for the headlining discussions groups. In each session you will be responsible for researching relevant topics in the headlines and address typologies, pop culture cues and the breadth of self expression.
Attendance (10%)
For each missed class, 12 points will be taken away from your attendance grade of 100. For example, if you miss 3 classes, your attendance grade will be 64. You are required to attend all classes. If illness or an emergency prevents you from attending, e-mail the instructor before class.
Annotated Bibliography (10%)
Select a female scholar, activist or thought leader and research 5 sources. These sources can include everything from articles,video, archival footage, presentations, EEOC files, etc.). You are responsible for writing a 1 page annotation of the source. This annotation will inform your audience about the relevance and accuracy of the source's central idea(s) and give the reader a general idea of the source's content.
Media Presentation (20%)
Teams of two to three will create a media rich presentation (The presentation should include pictures, video and audio). You should select a topic discussed in class that explores women of color, their hair, laws and cultural norms that shaped their existence within a particular struggle or time period. You will be work with your partner to create a thoughtful presentation. Your presentation should be interactive. You will pitch your project verbally in front of the class the last two days of class and will prepare an overview of what you will present One Sheet that speaks to your topic and the what. You will be assessed about the contribution to the team.
January 21
Week 1: Introduction: Braids & Beads
A History African Hair Styles & The Meaning
A Visual History of Iconic Black Hairstyles, Madison Horne Locks & Cultural Significance
February 2
+ Hair Story: Chapter 1 Black Hair in Bondage, 1400-1899
+ Current Event Natural Hair Headlines
+ Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Dr. Joy DeGruy
+ 1619 :The Economy That Slavery Built 8/30/2019
+ Read: A Visual History of Iconic Black Hairstyles, Madison Horne Locks & Cultural Significance, History.com
+ Read: Wearing My Afro is Always a Political Act, New Republic
+ Read: Braiding Freedom: A Project of the Institute for Justice
February 9
Hair Story: Chapter 2 No Excuse for Nappy 1900-1964
+ Current Event Natural Hair Headlines
+ Research on your own the EEOC and it's purpose
+ Research on your own the CROWN Act SB 188
+ California will ban Hair Discrimination Laws
+ Read:U.S. Military Rolls Back Restrictions on Black Hairstyles
+ Wrestling Ref Gets 2-Year Suspension for Forcing Black Student to Cut ‘Unnatural’ Dreadlocks, The Root
Learn Your Group Members
Social Change Assignment for next class: Your group should prepare 2-3 paragraphs about an issue relating to natural hair and how you and the class can effect change around it. This assignment is due February 16.
February 16
+ Hair Story: Chapter 6, The Burden of Proof: Explaining Black Hair Culture
+ Your research on headlines that address typologies, pop culture cues and the breadth of self expression found in various media platforms about Black women and their hair.
DUE TODAY: Your group should prepare 2-3 typed paragraphs about an issue relating to natural hair and how you and the class can effect social justice change around it.
Watch Portions of film: Imitation of Life
In Class: Read: The Wife of His Youth, Charles Chesnut
February 23- The Business of Black Hair
Hair Story: Chapter 4 The Business of Black Hair
+ Research on your own the EEOC and it's purpose
+ Research on your own the CROWN Act SB 188
Back to Asia
Black Hair Supplies, Once A Korean Business, Shifts To Black Ownership, by Adora Manigadde
Shea Moisture apologizes for offensive ad: ‘We really f-ed this one up’, The Root
March 2
Call in with Assemblywoman Angela McKnight
March 9
Guest Speaker: Isis Brantley
Advertising & Beauty Standards
Shifting: The Double Lives of Black Women in America by Charisse Jones
Watch Portion of: Nappily Ever After
Sesame Street: I Love My Hair
The Politics of Black Women's Hair, Althea Prince
March 16
Hair & Music & Pop Culture
Black Panther: Natural Hair Was A Breakup From America
March 18
No Class
March 23
Week 10
Hollywood's Black Hair Stylists
Lack of Stylists of Movie Sets
Eurocentric Beauty Standards
The History of the Afro
Hair & Health
Frontiers in Public Health
Hair As a Barrier to Physical Activity among African American Women:
A Qualitative Exploration CLICK BELOW:
Review: Due March 30, 2021 by 8pm: 3-4 page Reaction Paper to Hair as a Barrier to Physical Activity.
Read the research/articles below about hair as a physical barrier. Examine the reasons why some believe that Black women don't exercise because of their hair. Next, think about yourself, the people you know and how people think about natural hair and explain, in your opinion and based on your observations, whether or not you believe that in 2020, Black women have an aversion to physical activity because of their natural hair. Remember that most of the studies are based on small groups of people. Do Black women have aversions to exercise if their hair is natural? Does it depend upon where you live? Age? Your ethnic origin? Please choose a side and provide your reasons why with supporting evidence.
Consider these studies:
Is Your Hairstyle Making You Fat (Wake Forest Medical Study 2011)
Surgeon General Qualitative Exploration from (2018)
US News Report found here (2019)
Paper due by 8pm
March 30
Due 8pm: 3-4 page Reaction Paper to Hair as a Barrier to Physical Activity.
Hair & Music & Pop Culture
Black Panther: Natural Hair Was A Breakup From America
April 6
Headlining Natural Hair News
April 13
Due: Social Activism Group Projects + Presentations
Each presentation to the class should be 7-10 minutes.
You have each selected a topic dealing with natural hair. Present your topic through one of the following vehicles below. The goal of this project is to go on a social mission to present and solve a problem in and around natural hair. Be creative and answer questions including why your topic is important to natural hair and what it represents. You are to provide research supporting your project, and include first hand accounts of people who have dealt with the issue you are highlighting. In the presentation, the audience should learn the topic, its history and the solution to the problem from not only researched views and your personal views.
1. Visual Presentation with slides (accompanied by a 1 page explanation)
2. Zoom Interview with 2 or more people ( accompanied with a 1 page explanation)
3. A 6-8 page research paper
Headlining News
April 20
Turn in A Your Reflection/Thought Paper on one of the four topics. Your Paper must have a Title and share your view on the topic given.
1. Natural Hair Licenses: Why do you believe women of color were forced to attend schools that taught how to do white hair. In many cases stylists were arrested for doing natural hair without a license. As we learned in class, the laws changed and now natural hair stylists don't have to do 1200 hours of schooling to get their license. Feel free to tie in the CROWN ACT to this topic.
2. Hollywood Stylists: There are a lack of natural hair stylists in Hollywood. What can be done to put an end to that. How can people make change, protest or correct this problem? Provide ways that people have made change historically to issues similar to this and present corrective measures.
3. Your Hair Reflected: Explain how hen your own hair and styles change, you are treated differently. You must discuss at least 3 styles. Talk about reactions you get, from what people and why you believe you get these reactions.
Your paper must be 2-3 pages
Your paper must have a title and share your view on the topic given
Your paper can be creative but should be in essay format. If you want to include a poem or picture, it cannot be counted as part of the 2 to 3 pages.
You must turn in 3 pictures that you believe represent what you have written about. You must also turn in a picture of yourself that shows your hair. It can be a creative picture.
* Again, pictures should go on separate pages or can be attached to the file you send me. You cannot have a page of pictures, for example, and count that as a page.
Last quiz will take place during Finals week QUIZ #3
Do not plagiarize, fabricate, or submit work you have done for another class. The university does not tolerate plagiarism or fabrication of any kind. You should adhere to the University’s policy on cheating and plagiarism. If you are caught breaking this policy, you will be prosecuted to the full extent that the policy allows.
If you use someone else’s work, you are plagiarizing! If you provide your work to someone else, you are plagiarizing! If you take copy from the Internet without permission and attribution, you are plagiarizing! Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. All work complete in this class must be 100% your own. You should adhere to the highest possible standards of ethical behavior for this class.
Your academic success is important. If you have a disability that may have an impact upon your work in this class, please contact me early in the semester. Students also need to provide documentation of their disability to the Center for Academic Success in order to receive official University services and accommodation. Dr. Johanna Velez-Yelin, Associate Director of the Academic Success Center can be reached at velez-yelin@rowan.edu or 856-256-4234. The Center is located on the 3rd Floor of Savitz Hall. Dr. Yelin is available to answer questions regarding accommodation or assist you in your pursuit of accommodation.