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Notes from April 2, 2019
Headlines, Teases, Anchor Leads
HEADLINES- headline appear at the top of the newscast, they highlight a few stories that viewers will hear throughout the newscast. Normally 3-4 stories are highlighted within a span of :10-:15 seconds
Headlines Example:
On tonight's news...The Coronavirus has the U-S under siege as more than five-thousand deaths have now been reported ....Meanwhile the F-D-A approves a test that could detect if a person has been exposed to the Coronavirus.... and we've got a look at the pandemic from across the country with updates from the Whitehouse...that's up next.
TEASES - teases sound similar to headlines, but they appear right before a commercial break.
Tease Example #1:
After the break...why a man drove his car into a Walgreens....
Tease Example #2
When we come back...find out why you should buy some stocks...and which ones.
ANCHOR LEADS - An anchor lead sets up a story prepared by a reporter and always includes the reporter's name. It doesn't give away the whole story and generally is not over :05 seconds
Anchor Lead Example:
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a test that could detect whether an asymptomatic person has been exposed to the coronavirus.... Skyler Henry reports from the White House.
Anchor Lead Example #2
Many have taken up yoyg, but our own Renn Timkins explains why a group of seniors is taking it.... to replace their meds..
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